
CF204 Biblical Leadership Principles

Course Description:
A review of Biblical management principles with emphasis on servant leadership, Biblical leaders, and Scriptural strategies for success.
Course Objectives:
•Define management and stewardship.
•Identify Biblical positions, anointing, and qualifications of spiritual leadership.
•Explain how to lead like a servant.
•Explain how to lead like a shepherd.
•Summarize the tasks of leaders.
•Apply Biblical principles of decision making, conflict resolution, and leadership success.
•Explain the true test of spiritual leadership.
Course Requirements:
Complete all the lessons for the course.
Complete all the self tests.
Pass the final exam.
Grading Distribution:
95-100 = A
90-94 = A-
85-89 = B
80-84 = B-
75-79 = C
70-74 = C-
Below 70 = F
The Bible