BHSM 101 Old Testament Survey
A survey of the entire old Testament with emphasis on the key persons and events of each of the twelve time periods covered, basic information about each of the books, facts of the intertestamental period helpful in understanding the New Testament, memorization of representative verses, map study for awareness of geographic features, and political boundaries.
BHSM 102 New Testament Survey
A survey of the key persons, events and distinctive facts for each of the twenty-seven books of the New Testaments; and understanding of the political, cultural, and religious environment of Christianity, and memorization of selected verses and of chapter locations for special topics.
BHSM 103 Pentateuch
A study of the content, theological significance, and practical applications of the first five books of the Bible. Attention is given to origins, to the founding of the nation of Israel and to God’s covenant relationships with man.
BHSM 105 Psalms and Wisdom Literature
This class is a survey of the formation and organization of the book of Psalms. The nature of Old Testament poetry; application of sound principles for studying the book; use of selected Psalms to illustrate the various kinds of Psalms; doctrinal and devotional values of the Psalms. A survey of the book of Proverbs and James will be taught for wisdom literature.
BHSM 106 Old Testament Prophets
A study of the books of Isaiah through Malachi (the “major” and “minor” prophets). Students will be introduced to the social, political, and religious conditions during the times of the prophets. Attention will be given to the purpose and structure of each book. The value of modern messages from ancient writers will be emphasized. Selected passages will be chosen for in depth study.
BHSM 107 Jesus and the Gospels
A study of the earthly life and ministry of Christ as revealed in the four Gospels. The study, which will place value on the harmony of the Gospels, will emphasize understanding that Jesus Christ was and is what He did, and why such revelation is important to men and women.
BHSM 108 Acts
A comprehensive study of the origin, growth, and organization of the Apostolic church with emphasis upon the place of Christ and the teaching of the Holy Spirit and strategies for growth. A study of the biblical basis of missions and the missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul will be taught.
BHSM 109 The Life and Letter of Paul
A study of each of Paul’s epistles, except Romans (a separate course). Paul’s life and times will be examined, as well as the major purpose of each epistle. Students will learn how to interpret Pauline epistles and to apply them to contemporary living. Selected passage will be chosen for in depth study.
BHSM 110 Romans
A doctrinal study of the book of Romans, considering the problem of sin, justification, sanctification, and the believer’s obligation to God, to government, and to people.
BHSM 111 Revelations
A study of the book of revelation is an unveiling of the character and program of God. Students will study prophetic events; the Christ of Revelation; the names of Christ; letters to the seven churches; judgments; and themes. Special emphasis will be given to end time events and the eternal state of man and Satan.
BHSM 112 Biblical Exegesis and Hermeneutics
This course is designed to introduce students to Greek and Hebrew word study by explanation, critical analysis or interpretation of a word, literary passage of the Bible. Hermeneutics class the students will learn the principles of biblical exegesis on selected passages.
BHSM 200 Historical Books
A study of the contents and theological significance of the books for Joshua through Esther with attention given to the historical periods from the conquest of Palestine through the return from Exile. Consideration is given to the theological interpretation as well as to historical and geographical aspects and the relevance of their teaching for today.
BHSM 201 The Life of Peter/I & II Peter
A study of the life of Peter, his failures, spiritual growth and his ministry. Content and theme of I & II Peter will be analyzed in detail.
BHSM 202 Covenants, Promise and Fulfillment
Major covenants between God and humans in both the Old and New testaments. Relationships between these covenants, especially regarding the theme of promise and fulfillment. Covenants between people will be included.
BHSM 203 Hebrews
An analysis of this epistle in the light of the people to whom it was written and the reason for which it was written. Contrasts between Christianity and Judaism emphasized.
BHSM 300 Principles of Bible Study Methods
This course is an introduction to various tools of Bible Study, and methodical and inductive approach the study of the Scriptures, basic laws, and principles of interpretation, this course includes opportunities to practice using the tools.
BHSM 301 Church History
This course is a study of revivalism and evangelism stressing background conditions, people, messages, and movements of significance in the United States and other parts of the world. A survey of important revivals throughout church history will be discussed.
BHSM 302 World Religions and Ideologies
A study of the major World Religions and influential Ideologies which affect Christian Missions, such as, Marxism, Secular Humanism, Evolution and others.
BHSM 305 Spiritual Formation I
A course designed to strengthen the devotional life and spiritual growth. Scripture reading and memorization, prayer, devotional, time management, journaling, and learning Christian responsibility are included.
BHSM 306 Spiritual Formation II
The personal and spiritual disciplines, which began in Spiritual Formation I are further developed. The process of faith development and techniques of discipleship are cove
BHSM 315 The Life and Teaching of Christ
A study of Christ life and ministry on earth. The course will focus on thematic and chronological view of Christ’s life and ministry proving an interpretation of key events and teachings and their practical application.
BHSM 330 Leadership Class
This course is a study of the dynamics of making a leader, with biblical leadership principles for today’s leaders. Course will consist of topics, such as, the call of leadership, their qualification, preparation, character, law of reproduction, team ministry and others.
BHSM 350 Independent Study in Biblical Studies
A program that is an independent research open to qualified students interested in areas of biblical study not covered by current courses. A written report is required and approval of the instructor.
BHSM 455 Christian Ethics
This course is a study of the sources, structure, and dynamics of Christian ethics. Attention will be given to current problems of personal and public life.
MHSM 301 Survey of Church Ministry
An introduction to the basic elements of Church ministry including pulpit ministry, Christian education, youth ministry, music, counseling, worship and prayer, and evangelism and service.
MHSM 302 Youth Evangelism
This course is designed to provide students with necessary skills and competencies for reaching adolescents with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and for teaching adolescents effective outreach ministries.
MHSM 303 Teaching
This course gives student an opportunity to exercise their teaching gifts. Students will prepare and present Biblical truth to small groups of varying size and age, employing diverse teaching methods emphasis on personal application. Student will teach at least six lessons in a class, Sunday school, youth meetings, prison ministry or church.
MHSM 304 Ministry Management
A course designed to develop the student’s capacity for organizational leadership. Attention is particularly given to legal and ethical issues, institution assessment, financial management, conflict resolution and strategic planning.
MHSM 305 Human Resource Development
This course is an introduction to the elements, which contribute to the human dimension of the organization and work place. Emphasis will be placed on administration, policies, training and benefits.
MHSM 306 Church Planting and Evangelism
A study of Biblical principles in effective evangelism and church planting. Students are taught personal evangelism, how to conduct Bible studies, community surveys and feasibility studies leading to the planting of a church. Church growth strategies will be discussed also.
MHSM 307 Leadership of Excellency
This course is an introduction to the Biblical principles of servant leadership, especially as they are revealed in the life and ministry of Jesus. Topics include character development, vision casting, risk taking, team building, and the relationship between responsibility and authority.
MHSM 311 Pastoral Care and Counseling
This course will consider the biblical basis for counseling those who are spiritually, physically and mentally handicapped. The study and practice of counseling techniques include diagnosis; interviewing; dealing with the sick, the bereaved, and the alcoholic. Premarital and marriage problems are studied.
MHSM 313 Evangelism and Discipleship
This course is a study of the principles of evangelism and discipleship as they relate to biblical methods of outreach and spiritual growth within the church. The class will do survey of selected cults and religions that students might confront, and methods and tools for evangelism will be covered, students will report their witness experience.
MHSM 320 Cross Cultural Practicum
This course is a cross-cultural field experience, which gives students a direct exposure to another cultural setting. This study emphasizes the valves and special characteristics of the host culture and gives the student an opportunity to observe and where appropriate, to participate in the life of that culture.
MHSM 350 Spiritual Warfare
Emphasis is placed on maintaining a vibrant relationship with God, prayer and balance in the Christian life. Definition of Spiritual Warfare and how to do warfare will be taught.
MHSM 355 Worship, Prayer, Praise
This course is a study of the importance of worship, prayer, praise and music in Christian worship services and planning for worship in their ethic environment.
MHSM 375 Independent Study in Ministry
This course is designed to help qualified students interested in areas of ministry not covered by current courses. Written reports required and must be approved by instructor.
THSM 401 Theology I. God and the Bible
This course is an analysis of the major topics usually considered under the “doctrine of God,” including trinitarianism, divine attributes, divine decrees, trinity, the Person of the Father, the Person and Work of Christ; and revelation, inspiration, and canonicity of the Bible.
THSM 402 Theology II Pneumatology: God and Holy Spirit
This course focuses on the person and work of the Holy Spirit and on a pneumatological approach to other topics of theology such as the trinity; creation; fall of man (Sin); Salvation (soteriology); the Church (ecclesiology); and the last things (eschatology).
THSM 403 Theology III Survey of Bible Doctrine
This course will cover major bible doctrinal themes will be introduced, defined and supported from central Scripture passages.
THSM 404 Theology IV Systems and Separations
The doctrine and practices of various theological movements will be compared with the teaching of the Scriptures. This course includes fundamental, evangelical, liberal, charismatic, feminist, liberation, dominion, and new age theologies. We will examine the various applications of the biblical doctrine of separa
THSM 405 Theology V Eschatology
This course is a study of the major eschatological events with special emphasis given to the doctrine of pretriblational premillennialism. Prophecies of the end time based upon the teaching in the books of Daniel and Revelation, the Olivet Discourse, (Matthew 24,25) and other prophetic utterance.
THSM 406 Theology VI Christology
Exploration of Christological doctrine from biblical, historical, and systematic perspectives, with specific attention to contemporary issues and debates. Emphasis will be placed on the person of Christ, the incarnation, the atonement, or other issues connected with Christology.
THSM 410 Apologetics
A systematic study of the relationship between Christianity and culture and the proofs for Christian truths that is foundation of the Christian faith. Emphasis placed on the contrast of Christian beliefs and non-Christian philosophies, movements, and religions.
THSM 490 Independent Study in Theology
This class is designed to help qualified students interested in areas of theological study not covered by current courses. Written reports required and must be approved by instructor.
THSM 499 Seminar: Theology
A selected topic in theology related to a course theme. A major research project is followed by the oral and written presentation of its results.
EDU 101 Philosophy of Christian Education
This course is a study of the fundamental principles of Christian school education. Included in the course are a review of ancient and modern philosophical thought and theories of education and an examination of belief statements related to education. The focus will be on developing a personal and clearly articulated biblical position regarding the philosophy of Christian educati
EDU 201 Methods of Bible Teaching
This course develops the individual teaching skills of the student in conformity with foundational principles of teaching and learning, provides guidance in preparing and teaching lesson plans, and assists students in evaluating themselves and their fellow students.
EDU 205 Ministry, Planning & Program Design
This course is designed to introduce the student to the foundational principles of the management process and their application to the design of programs in the local church. Emphasis is placed on skill development in planning, organizing and implementing ministry programs. An introduction to interpersonal and group dynamics is included.
EDU 310 Teaching Personal Evangelism
This class will present methods and materials for teaching evangelism. Opportunities to practice various methods of evangelism are covered as they related to children, teens, and adults in urban and suburban areas. Students will memorize selected Bible verses and report witnessing experiences.
EDU 304 Classroom Methods and Management
This course introduces the student to a variant of classroom management and organizational techniques to help the teacher develop practical methods for working with students, handling challenging behavior, and fostering a classroom climate conducive to productive instruction and lear
EDU 305 Leadership and Supervision
A comprehensive study of principles of leadership and hazards to leadership with an emphasis on human relations in education administration as related to church and denominational work. Students will research church leadership in a church or denominational of their interests.
EDU 307 Seminar in Christian Education Curriculum
Students will attend seminar dealing with availability of curriculum suitable for Christian education and evaluate the materials.
EDU 405 Student Teaching: Bible Instruction
Student teaching course will consist of experience in classroom observation, evaluation, and teaching. Student will instruct under the supervision of a Bible teacher or college faculty.
EDU 308 Church Staff Administration
This course is a study of the concepts and procedures related to developing a church staff plan. Specific attention will be given to a study of relationships involved in effective church staff ministry and procedures which relate to administering the work of multiple staff ministers in a church.
EDU 400 Church Management
This course is a study of the management off the local church. It provides insights and skills in management by formation of objectives, goal setting, budget building, stewardship programs, communication among staff (volunteer and professional), management of time, and related matters arising from the needs of the participants.
EDU 401 Special Groups of Adults
This course is a study of special groups of adults and the Christian education ministry with them. Included are internationals, the blind, deaf, Native Americans, Afro-Americans, illiterates, learning disabled, physically handicapped, mentally handicapped, ethnic and racial groups.
EDU 314 Curriculum Development and Assessment
This course is a study of the basic concepts that under gird learning theory, curriculum development, and curriculum assessment in children’s and family ministry. It is designed to provide a foundation for understanding the teaching-learning process, the process of curriculum planning, curriculum evaluation, and writing of curriculum materials.
EDU 309 Ministering to Families and Children
Students will study the sociology of the family with special concentration on the problems of the contemporary American family. Problems such as mobility, divorce, unemployment, and changing sexual ethics will be discussed. New forms of the family will be studied in the light of the Scriptures. Church ministries to various styles of family life will be developed and analyzed. Students will seek to answer the question of how the church can meet the needs of families in the 21st century.
EDU 312 Ministry to Adults
This course is an examination of adult developmental life cycles (including transitions), with attention given to specific ways the congregation can minister to adults in each life-stage. Students conduct contextual studies on particular areas of adult programming such as ministry to singles, ministry to women, and ministry to senior adults. Models of effective church and para-church programs to adults are studied. Adult ministry plans, both developmental and functional, are developed.
EDU 403 Church Business Administration
This class is a study of the principles for administering the business affairs of a church. Attention will be given to facilities, food services, finances, and administrative controls.
EDU 420 Advocacy for Special Needs Children and Families
This course is designed to give students exposure to multiple avenues of advocacy within the church, family, community, and global contexts. Student will explore, discuss, and evaluate the literature, current practices, key leaders, and potential new ways of advocating for children in a variety of settings. Particular attention will be given to ways to advocate for children with many different kinds of special needs.
EDU 501 Counseling Methods: Pre-Marital/Marital
Classroom activity majors on the development of effective counseling skills. The student may elect a program of directed reading an/or research in specialized areas of marital and premarital counseling theory and methods including an orientation to, and/or training in, the major evaluative instruments.
EDU 502 Christian Leader and Vocational Guidance
This course is a study of the place of methods of guidance in relation to the Christian concept of vocation. Consideration is given to the history, principles, and techniques of guidance and psychological testing.
EDU 520 Independent Study in Educational Ministries
Research and study by arrangement with the professor. (Permission is required).
EDU 601 Research Analysis and Writing
This class provides the opportunity to research areas related to the student’s major field of study, develop investigative research sills, and improved academic writing skills.
EDU 650 Dissertation
EDU 230 Introduction to Computer Application
This course is a hands-on experience using micro computers. Basic computer applications will be taught, such as, word processing and excel. The course will explore the use of computers in church ministry.
SPE 200 Speech
This course is a study in the basic principles of speech and in the preparation and delivery of speeches. Extemporaneous speaking practice forms the core of the course.
BPC 10004 Introduction to Pastoral Counseling
This course leads students toward a basic understanding and basic concepts and models for effective meaning and practice of care and counseling. The areas to be covered include initial assessment, establishing the counseling relationship, crisis intervention, maintaining a caring and helpful relationship, and referral in pastoral counseling. Counseling that is specialized in techniques that deal with bible education that ministers healing to hurting people. Pastoral counseling process involves the telling or speaking of the pain of what happen in one’s life, and provide assistance to individuals, families, and couples.
BPC 11004 Grief and Loss Counseling
The complex interaction of affective, cognitive, physiological, and behavioral responses to the loss by any means of a person, place, thing, activity, status, bodily organ, with whom a person has identified, who has become a significant part of an individual’s own self.
Grief is a process with identifiable stages during which one gives up that, which is lost, withdraws emotional investment in the physical reality of the other. Pastoral care attempts through frequent conversations to facilitate grieving: expressing feelings, remembering, accepting the reality of physical death, experiencing one’s own value as an individual and discovering meaning in one’s life in the midst of the events and the funeral process.
BPC 12004 Crisis Counseling
Understanding the disruption in a person’s life whether expected or unexpected happenings. Such preparation includes being able to implement theories and models as a caring minister to any persons experiencing distress because of disruptive events and relationships. Understanding crisis ministry one will begin to deal with the more psychologically understood meaning of developmental crises, and situations of personal and family crisis precipitated by some event that disrupts the normal flow of life.
BPC 13004 Counseling in Hospitals
Training on the importance of hospital visitation and its appropriateness in the hospital setting. This class will discuss hospital bedside etiquette, being supportive, helpful and not in the way, all at the same time, and the proper length of time needed in this type of pastoral counseling.
BPC 14004 Human Development
Understanding from a broad perspective referring to those areas of psychology, which study the psychological social, moral, and spiritual development of the person throughout the life cycle. Theorizing that these early encounters with life determined how the person would develop as an adult. This class will study early researchers such as, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and contemporary researchers Erik Erikson, J. Piaget, and Kohlberg.
BPC Pastoral Counseling Ethics & Research
This course is an introduction to the content and methods of Christian ethical thought, organized around three questions:” What is Christian ethical? What are the primary ways of doing Christian ethics and the primary sources of Christian ethics? This course will also examine various politics, documents, norms, and codes of conduct, discipline procedures, and practices of professional ethics for clergy. Understanding of ecclesiology, vocation, authority, moral responsibility, and meaning, right use and abuse of power.
Empirical research is a systematic investigation aimed at finding new or substantiating facts and relationships between facts (of factors) that help further the understanding of a problem or problems and the rules or interactions that govern them. Research in pastoral care and counseling, like research in other professional fields, is of two kinds: (1) empirical studies, and (2) theoretical studies.
BPC 16004 Thesis/Internship
This course combines teachings from the classroom and the field placement. This course is designed to provide an integrative experience of study and reflection on the theology and practice of pastoral counseling in ministry, field experience of a church-based human service agency. Students in the Pastoral program are supervised with a client from the beginning phase to the termination phase and are required to write a case study.
MPC 20204 Counseling Depression
This course explores a complex mood disorder of depression, its symptoms, characteristics and interventions. It is designed to introduce the basic concepts of providing pastoral counseling to those who suffer with this mental disorder.
This course will explore the variety of chemically dependent people: analyze patterns of addictive behavior, effects on work, performance, responsibility, and intimacy. Learn the most successful counseling skills to assist in breaking addictive behavior.
MPC 20404 Play Therapy/Counseling Children
Counseling children is a unique concept. Play therapy is used as a form of activities during counseling children. It is the most widely used technique. Play materials will be discussed in this class and other forms of media for children to express their emotional life.
MPC 20504 Marriage & Family Counseling
Pastoral counseling for married couples who the relationship has reached a state of unhappiness and dysfunction that is intolerable to one or both of the partners or when they desire the greater enrichment of a marriage that is functioning well. This course will train you on models that will aid one to problem solving for marriage and family counseling.
MPC 20604 Domestic Violence
This course will look at traditions of pastoral care in the church as well as social and contextual conditions which have impacted domestic violence in families: and then seek top develop models of pastoral care and counseling that will enable the church to be an agent of social change, wholeness, healing and reconciliation.
A study of homosexuality from a biblical and scientific perspective. Professional procedures to guide individual, families, groups and the church community in Counseling and Pastoral Care to Homosexuals/lesbians. Understanding the Psychodynamics and providing help and healing within the content of Biblical principles.
MPC 20804 Group Counseling
In this class group dynamics will be emphasized, its professionalism, ethics and group structure. Group intervention strategies and format for helping individuals who have emotional disorders or social maladjustment by bringing together two or more individuals in a professional setting.
MPC 20904 Thesis/Internship
In this course the study of pastoral skills and counseling which will allow a graduate level student ministerial experience which is required for all students in the pastoral program. Students in the Pastoral program is supervised with a client from the beginning phase to the termination phase and is required to write a case study and thesis-project that includes assessments, diagnosis, and treatment planning. The thesis project must be approved through the pastoral counseling dean and must address the nature and practice of pastoral counseling in the area of their concentration.
DPC 30104 Advanced Family Practice
This course is intensive which deals with advanced family practice such as family violence, blended families, family values, family abuse, and family welfare. This course will provide direct practice with intervention theories and methods.
DPC 30204 Pastoral Adult Psychopathology
This class will discuss proposed definitions of what is normal or abnormal or considered to be pathological from the culture of the church and other communities. This class will discuss the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), which is the fourth edition of psychiatry’s official classification of mental disorders, and the symptoms and characteristics found in each.
DPC 30304 Pastoral Child and Adolescent Counseling
This class will discuss the Childhood and Adolescent pathologies in the DSM-IV and the clinical of psychotherapy, which includes intervention theories and models.
DPC 30404 Research and Clinical Practice (DAP documenting procedures
This class will provide training on the documenting legal and ethical procedures.
Music & The Sacred Arts
BHSM 101 Praise and Worship
This class will help you discover the awesome privilege given to believers in the Body of Christ to worship God. It will also give you the history and meaning of way you are worshiping, while teaching you to be a more effective worshiper. Through this class, the student will learn the many aspects in which you can express worship in spirit and in truth; including mime, drama and liturgical dance.
BHSM 102 Praise and Worship
This class will take you to a higher level in worship. Concentration will be on how to set the pattern of worship, and equip the worship leader to set up, lead, and work with minstrels to coordinate the flow of a service. This class will have life application to help birth the worshipers in your congregation. This class will further provide suggestions and resources to bring to your Praise Team. It will also challenge leaders to become orderly and very sensitive to the Holy Ghost while being aware of the level of the congregation as you take the service to a higher dimension
BHSM 103 Praise Team Ethics and Dynamics
This is a controlled and clearly active definition of the function and nuances characterized in and by praise teams; also offered is a fine-tuning of the various spiritual, technical and social accommodations of the praise team.
BHSM 104 The Effective Praise Team Leader
This course is designed to challenge the functional guidance of the praise team leadership; while perfecting his/her spiritual aim and focus.
BHSM 105 Intro to Christian and Sacred Dance
This class will teach basics in praising God in the dance. You will learn how your dance applies to your life in Christ. You will learn how the use of dance can translate to evangelism. This class will teach church etiquette and mannerisms. You will learn about the importance of Tabernacle references to colors that symbolize what you are saying in your dance.
BHSM 106 Tambourine Worship Dance
This class will teach you various ways to use a timbrel (tambourine) in Worship dance. The student will learn new and significant ways to use the tambourine to enhance your worship services, as its power is set in use for warfare, praise and prophetic dance when included in your services.
BHSM 201 Voice/Vocal Technique
Learn the true joy and power that can come from singing correctly. Learn correct posture, microphone usage, breathing, breath control, tone, projection, diction, enunciation, expression, warm up drills and much more. Leave this class with the ability to push your choir to new heights of power, presence and accuracy as they worship the King. This is a highly participatory and active class element.
BHSM 202 Music Theory I
This course is designed to challenge the aspirant musician or song leader to understand basic elements of music and produce introductory acuity in music terminology.
BHSM 203 Song Writing I
Introduces principles and techniques encompassing form, literary, grammatical, metric and commercial mechanics of song writing. Designed to promote and direct the fledgling writer to a substantial songwriter who is sensitive to and is able to utilize winning elements that today’s songs are made of.
BHSM 205 Poetry: Spoken Word Ministry
This class focuses on developmentally speaking the word of God in a Poetic form. By painting an illustration for the listener, this class allows the prophetic spoken psalmist to find his/her way to expressing the story of the word by coloring it in a rhythmic fashion.
BHSM 206 Puppetry
This is an opportunity to explore a heretofore-unusual medium of praise and worship, which includes puppet making and communications with puppets to express the word of God. This is a rarely used, but effective medium, which will prove to be highly appealing to the younger members of your congregation. “The children will learn, as we teach them” other considerations included:
-An adult message with a juvenile approach and flair
-The handy work involved
-A new commitment to sensitivity in expression
-Communication is another medium
-Third party conversational encoding and decoding
BHSM 207 Acting Management
This class will concentrate on the organization of a portfolio for those interested in pursuing a professional acting career, runway model, voice-over artist, theatrical performer, on camera or off-camera announcer. Also included, will be instruction on how to present ones self, to do and follow-up on an audition. It will equip you with the resources to acquire good representation, photographers, copy houses, agents and other auxiliary persons whose contributions can effectively help get you on your way.
BHSM 208 Drill Team
This class is the march of victory component, where a rhythm explosion takes place, utilizing a group of (3) or more persons. The participants are trained to work, walk and step in confident rhythm, timing and focus as they express their convictions and share the glory in a stepping way, creating another form of unity and love for expressing the word of God.
BHSM 209 The Traditional Choir
This class is designed to highlight the many elements of the church choir, which are taken for granted; and to expose remedial concepts, which when well understood and defined, will lead to better relationships within the choir. These are very important choral dynamics that if adhered to could be highly corrective: including many items such as:
It’s leaders/the stars/the riders and the drivers
The good singers/the mediocre singers/those who can’t really sing,
but have the faithful heart
Directors/Presidents/Officers and their functions
The Treasurer of the Choir (rough spot)
Group-Dynamic Cooperation in a Christian Setting
MHSM 301 Drama I
Practical one-act scenarios which would be taken from biblical applications and put into stage/pulpit presentation format, designed to yield the message of the word of God through visual interpretation of the scriptures. This is a chance to activate the juxtaposition of secular drama with the drama of a believer in Jesus Christ who wants to develop and mature with the art of drama.
MHSM 302 Drama II
This section is a broader scope of acting and stage utilization; incorporating changing sets, set design, staging, sound and lights coordination, stage management, communication etc.
MHSM 303 Mime I
This class is designed to refine your interpretation of the scriptures and message of God’s word through a most thorough and unique medium of communication, The Mime. During this class, emphasis will be placed on utilizing the unspoken to interpret the spoken word of God, while utilizing physical movement and interpretive gestures, which will prove to speak louder than words
MHSM 304 Mime II
This is an amazing challenge to the mime student who already has basic moves and techniques. This section further includes the use of props, music with advanced and intricate themes, moves which indicate 2nd and 3rd parties, spatial differences and verbiage of Martial Arts.
MHSM 305 Music Theory II (Advanced)
This is the section that allows a gross application of Music Theory I. Also the chance to match the terminology with methodology, which in turn creates a critical and well-versed listener, singer or player of Christian Music.
MHSM 306 Songwriting II
A challenge designed to propel the fledgling writer into secondary usages of syntax, word and idea interaction, improvement of metric usage, rhyme scheme measurement and many more communicative devices.
MHSM 307 Sound Engineering/Recording
This is a 2 – 3 hr (1) session class, which deals specifically with the reproduction of your Sanctuary choir on a CD. This is an extremely hands-on and immediate application class, which will prepare a student to be able to mix sound, evaluate sound and differentiate sound reinforcement and function on a higher level of acoustic perfection.
MHSM 308 The Band
This is a course that is designed to create an ultra clean screening device for choosing and setting up a band for a church. There are numerous elements that are to be considered when establishing a church band.
Are the members committed to a life that mirrors that of the Lord?
Are they committed to be skillful players?
Do they just want to get paid?
Do they use euphoric stimulants? Drugs? Alcohol?
What are their ideas about family life?
The Band/their skill levels/their instruments
The cleanliness of the bandstand
The cleanliness of the instruments
The care, upkeep and function of the instruments
Chrome and brass instruments
The aesthetics of Brass instruments
The tingling of clean brass
Which instruments are the best for a Christian service?
Which instrument is just not the right ones?
The integration of the proper instruments
Selectivity and skill level of musicians
The ideal rhythm section
Guitar only (an era gone by)
Piano only (an era gone by)
Organ only (an era gone by)
What’s wrong with bass only?
MHSH 309 Types of Music for the Occasion
This is a course, which is designed for church musicians who are not familiar with a wide variety of appropriate material for a service.
The Wedding/The Funeral/Holy Communion/Baptism/Baby Christening/The Soul Saving Revival/Easter/Christmas/Black History Month/Mothers Day/Prophetic/Children’s Day/National Holidays/Wartime/Celebratory/Camp Accompanying the Preacher/Shout Music/Offertory Music
This class will equip you with the knowledge and resources to fit the correct music into all occasions. Also suggestions on rehearsals with your praise team and knowing your Pastor’s desire to hear the correct songs for that part of the service.
MHSH 310 Streamers, Glory Hoops, Pageantry
This class will show you how to enhance your sacred dance team. You will learn the purpose of these tools in your worship. You will learn how illustration and prophecy can help your members to see the Word.
DHSM 401 Critical analysis of Appropriate Music in the Church
In consideration of the evolution of Christian music, since its inception, this analytical and quantifying observation allows an ultrascopic view of the textural mandates of Christian Music and its effective application in the Church setti
DHSM 402 Recital of Original Christian Music
In-Keeping with the structures of theory, songwriting and dramatic interpretation, this passage allows a total and advanced synergy of these three vital components of Christian Music.
DHSM 403 Analysis and Critique/Church Sound Systems
This is a 2 – 3 Hr (1) session master class. No prerequisites for this class. Designed to train the church administrator, musician, or person responsible for the sound, in the numerous aspects of sound control, sound system usage, safety mechanisms, power requirements, microphone usage, effects and many more items, which will create a proper environment of sound.
DHSM 404 Thesis